ANDY (H2020 ICT - 2017-2020)
Role: PI for INRIA.
Co-author of the project proposal.
Funded by the European Commission within H2020
Starting date: TBD
CODYCO (EU FP7 STREP - 2013-2017)
Role: PI for INRIA.
Co-author of the project proposal.
Funded by the European Commission within FP7-ICT9
Starting date: march 2013
EDHHI (SMART - 2013-2014)
Role: project co-leader in ISIR team.
Co-author of the project proposal.
Funded by Labex SMART
Starting date: september 2013
MACSI (ANR BLAN - 2011-2013)
Role: postdoc in ISIR team.
Funded by the French National Agency (ANR) in the BLAN program.