I have been teaching mostly in Italy and France. I'm putting here some material that could turn out useful for students.

"Analysis of Behavior" at University of Lorraine, master Cognitive Systems (France)

Lecture notes: slides in english (class 2015/11)

"Informatique Systeme" at Polytech'Paris - UPMC, specialite Robotique (France)

2011-2012 - course page
2012-2013 - course page
2013-2014 - course page

My lecture notes (in english/french):
  1. Syllabus - PDF
  2. Cours introductif : notion d'OS, rappel C - PDF - code exemple
  3. Processus, fork, exec - PDF - code exemple
  4. Pointeurs de fonctions, threads et mutexs - PDF - code exemple
  5. Gestion des I/O, accés aux fichiers - PDF - code exemple
  6. Communication entre processus : pipe, fifo - PDF - code example
  7. File stats, mini-ls - PDF - code exemple
  8. Signaux - PDF - code exemple
Some exams (control continu): (2011-2012) cc1, cc2, cc3, (2012-2013) cc1

Operating Research and Optimal Control at the University of Genova (Italy)

I have been teaching assistant during my Master and PhD (roughly between 2005 and 2010). See the course page, now held by other researchers. Lectures notes and exercises are in italian: