Language resources and ethics for NLP


In charge of the Master 2 degree and local LCT Erasmus Mundus coordinator for IDMC.

Co-chair of the ACL ethics committee, with Min Yen Kan and Luciana Benotti.

PI of the InExtenso (Intrinsic and Extrensic Evaluation of biases in LLMs) ANR project.

PI of the new GDR LIFT (Linguistique Informatique, Formelle et de Terrain).

Research interests


I was invited to give a talk by the CNRS Ins2i on March 12th on « LLMs: the challenge of evaluation ». The slides are here.

I was invited to give a talk at SophIA on Nov 29th on « Why we should change the way we evaluate LLMs ». The slides are here.

I co-organized the energizing Journée d’étude ATALA « éthique et TAL : 10 ans plus tard » on April 2nd 2024. The proceedings are available here.

I was invited to give a talk at the annual meeting of the APMEP (Association des Professeurs de Mathématiques de l’Enseignement Public) on « Les outils de TAL :une opportunité pédagogique peut en cacher une autre ». It was fun and rich. Thank you! The slides are here.

The book including 6 short stories written by PhD students from LORIA during a doctoral training that I initiated (with Maxime Amblard, Mathieu d’Aquin, Aurore Coince, Marc Anderson and others) is available here:

I was invited to give a talk at ARCEP (Autorité de régulation des télécoms) about ethics and AI. My slides are here.

Our paper about the presence of the Big Tech in NLP has been accepted to ACL 2023! Here it is.

I’ve been interviewed for an Interstices podcast on ethics in AI:

I was in Epinal on Jan. 12th, at Lycée Claude Gellée, with Hee-Soo Choi, my PhD student, to interact with girls about science. A great moment, with lots of questions and laughters! Their webpage. My slides. Inria’s tweet.

I was invited to give a talk on ethics in NLP at the « journées conjointes » of the GDR TAL and LIFT in Marseille on Nov. 14th, 2022: Éthique et TAL : ce dont on parle, ce dont on ne parle plus, ce dont on ne parle pas (un état de l’art)

I was invited to give a talk during a panel on teaching ethics at the ERCIM project meeting.

Our paper « French CrowS-Pairs: Extending a challenge dataset for measuring social bias in masked language models to a language other than English » has been accepted to ACL 2022! See you in Dublin!

I have the great honour to be appointed co-chair of the newly created ACL ethics committee, with Min Yen Kan and Yulia Tsvetkov, a great team! This is very exciting and already a lot of work to be done!

I was invited to give a talk on ethics in NLP at the OFAI seminar (Austria) on Oct. 12th, 2022: Ethics and NLP: What we Talk About, What we Don’t Talk About Anymore, What we Never Talked About

I was invited to give a talk on ethics in NLP at the IXXI seminar on June 10th, 2022: Éthique et TAL : ce dont on parle, ce dont on ne parle plus, ce dont on ne parle pas (un état de l’art)

I’ll participate to the tutorial on on Ethics in AI and human-machine interaction at the 23rd ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, on Oct. 18th, 2021. My slides are here.

I’m invited to give a lecture on Ethics and NLP at DiLCO on Oct. 8th. Video.

I’m invited to give a talk on Ethics and AI (a view from NLP) at the noon webinar of SAILS, in Leiden, on Sept. 27, 2021. Video.

The book Sorbonnavirus has been published. The Sorbonne IRB wrote an article about our work during the COVID crisis.

I’m co-organizing the Games and Natural Language Processing Special Session at IEEE CoG 2021, please have a look and do not hesitate to send a paper!

Our tutorial on reviewing has been accepted at EACL 2021 and will be taught on April 20th.

The same tutorial has been accepted at TALN 2021 and will be partially given in French.

Chris Cieri, Chris Callison-Burch and myself were invited to present a seminar on crowdsourcing at the Cognition and Language seminar of Univ. de Lorraine (April 14th). Video.

I was invited (with Chris Cieri, LDC) by Chris Callison-Burch to participate as guest speaker in his Crowdsourcing and Human Computation class at Univ. of Pennsylvania (Feb. 11th).