
  • New paper accepted at Usenix'25 where we present how we have conducted a formal and comprehensive security analysis of OPC UA. Our research uncovered several new attacks and vulnerabilities, which we reported to the OPC Foundation. These findings have been acknowledged, and we proposed provably secure fixes, most of which are included in the upcoming version of the standard.

  • I am honored to have received the CNIL - Inria Data Protection 2023 Award with Alexandre Debant for our work on analyzing the security of the e-voting protocol used for the 2022 French legislative election (see below).

  • New paper accepted at Usenix Security'24 where we propose a new protocol that turns OpenID into a mechanism that delivers transferable proofs of eligibility in e-voting. Using zk-SNARK proofs, we show that this can be done without revealing any sensitive information.

  • New paper accepted at IEEE Security & Privacy'24 where we propose a new fuzzing technique (Dolev-Yao model-guided Fuzzing). We provide a full-fledged implementation of such a DY fuzzer in Rust with our tool tlspuffin, which found four new CVEs on WolfSSL, including one critical and two high CVEs.

  • My ProtoFuzz project (2023-2027) was funded by the ANR (280k euros) as a JCJC project (individual research projects coordinated by young researchers). I am looking for students (research interns, PhD students), postdocs, and engineers to join this research effort. In case you are interested, contact me via email.


See also on dblp and G Scholar

. A Comprehensive Formal Security Analysis of OPC UA. Usenix Security, 2025.


. Election Eligibility with OpenID: Turning Authentication into Transferable Proof of Eligibility. Usenix Security, 2024.


. Hash Gone Bad: Automated discovery of protocol attacks that exploit hash function weaknesses. Usenix Security, 2023.

Preprint Best paper award

. A Spectral Analysis of Noise: A Comprehensive, Automated, Formal Analysis of Diffie-Hellman Protocols. Usenix Security, 2020.

PDF DOI Tool Models and proofs

. Verification of Stateful Cryptographic Protocols with Exclusive OR. JCS (journal), 2020.

Preprint PDF DOI Code

. A method for unbounded verification of privacy-type properties. JCS (journal), 2019.

Preprint PDF DOI Tool

. Symbolic Analysis of Identity-Based Protocols. Festschrift Symposium in Honor of Catherine Meadows, LNCS 11565, 2019.

PDF DOI Models

. A Formal Analysis of 5G Authentication. CCS, 2018.

PDF Slides Extended version DOI Media coverage Models

. A Reduced Semantics for Deciding Trace Equivalence. LMCS (journal), 2017.


. Mobile subscriber WiFi privacy. Security & Privacy Workshops (MoST), 2017.

PDF DOI Best paper award Models

. A method for verifying privacy-type properties: the unbounded case. Security & Privacy (Oakland), 2016.

PDF Slides DOI Tool Models

. Towards Completeness via Proof Search in the Linear Time μ-calculus. LICS, 2016.


. Partial Order Reduction for Security Protocols. CONCUR, 2015.

PDF Slides DOI Code


I serve in the program committee of Usenix Security (2025-). I have previously served in the program committee of the European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS) (2024), ACM ASIACCS symposium (2023), the Computer Security track at the 29th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SEC@SAC) (2019-2022), and the HotSpot workshop (affiliated with IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy) (2021).

I have been external scientific experts for the ANR (French National Agency for Research) Generic Call 2019-2020. I have reviewed papers for CCS, CSF, Euro S&P, ACM TOPS, JCS, etc.

I am the PI of the ProtoFuzz project (2023-2027) funded by ANR JCJ (280k euros). I am or was a member of the France 2030 ANR PEPR Cybersécurité (SVP) (2022-2026) and ANR Chair IA ASAP project (2020-2024), joint project between Huawei Technologies Singapore Research Center and ETH Zurich on 5G protocols (2018-2019). I have participated to the following projects: ANR Chair of research and teaching in artificial intelligence (ASAP), ERC Consolidator Grant SPOOC, ERC Starting Grant POPSTAR, various ANR projects.



We developed with Max Ammann (main developer, security engineer at Trail of Bits), Tom Gouville (PhD student), and Michael Mera (research engineer) a fuzzer implementing a novel model-guided kind of fuzzer. The novel idea is to use the security-related domain-specific Dolev-Yao formal model to guide the fuzzer towards finding logical attacks in security protocols. Research conducted with M. Ammann and S. Kremer.


Porridge is a standalone OCaml library implementing Partial Order Reduction techniques for checking trace equivalence of security protocols. It is not restricted to the limited class of action-deterministic protocols as in prior works. It has been successfully integrated into two state-of-the-art verifiers DeepSec and Apte, bringing significant speedups. Theory and practical results are described in our ESORICS’18 paper.


UKano is a tool that enables the automatic formal verification of unlinkability and anonymity for a large class of 2-agents protocols that was previously out of scope. It has been notably used to discover new attacks on ePassport protocols. I have written this tool by leveraging our new verification method proposed in our S&P’16 paper.

Partial Order Reduction Techniques in APTE

I have developed and implemented Partial Order Reduction techniques for a class of security protocols (those that are action-deterministic) in the tool Apte, dramatically improving its practical impact. I also have implemented a preliminary version of those techniques in the tool SPEC (more details).

Student Supervisions

PhD students

  • (2023-) Tom Gouville : DY Fuzzing : Formal Dolev-Yao Models Meet Protocol Fuzz Testing.
  • (2022-) Vincent Diemunsch: Formal Analysis of Industrial Protocols.

Bachelor and master students

  • (2023) Benjamin Voisin (bachelor student, ENS de Rennes, France): ZKP for eligibility verification in e-voting based on OpenID.
  • (2023) Micol Giacomin (bachelor student, ENS de Paris-Saclay, France): Bit-level mutations for DY fuzzers.
  • (2023) Dominique Bazin (bachelor student, ENS de Paris, France): Proving unlinkability based on reachability-based sufficient conditions.
  • (2021) Max Ammann (master student, Technical University of Munich, Germany): DY fuzzing for testing cryptographic protocols implementations.
  • (2020) Guilhem Roy (master student, École Polytechnique, France): Symbolic-Model-Aware Fuzzing of Cryptographic Protocols.
  • (2020) Timothé Bonhoure (bachelor student, ENS Lyon, France): Improving Cryptographic Protocols Verification: The Best of Two Worlds.
  • (2020) Karan Agarwalla (bachelor student, IIT Bombay, India): Formally Comparing and Evaluating Privacy Properties.
  • (2019-2020) Paul Artigouha (master student, Mines de Nancy, France): Formalizing and verifying privacy for the security protocols from the Noise framework.
  • (2018-2019) Guillaume Girol (master student, École Polytechnique, France): Formalizing and verifying the security protocols from the Noise framework.
  • (2018-2019) Läubli Silvan (bachelor student, ETH Zurich, Switzerland): Implementing a public bulletin board for Alethea.
  • (2018-2019) Andris Suter-Dörig (bachelor student, ETH Zurich, Switzerland): Formalizing and verifying the security protocols from the Noise framework.
  • (2018) Falconieri Vincent (master student working as an academic assistant (Hiwi), ETH Zurich, Switzerland): Fuzzing authentication protocols in LTE.
  • (2017-2018) Vincent Stettler (master student working as an academic assistant (Hiwi), ETH Zurich, Switzerland): NextGen Network Security Analysis.
  • (2017) David Lanzenberger (bachelor student, ETH Zurich, Switzerland): Formal Analysis of 5G Protocols.


At Université de Lorraine

At Telecom Nancy

At ETH Zurich

At ENS Cachan

  • Lectures and TA on the theorem prover Coq & SAT-Solving (2015-2017),
  • TA for Logic, Software Engineering, Computability, Computer Programming & Compilation (2013-2017).

Industrial audience

  • Inria Academy course on formal verification (Trail of Bits, ?), with Alexandre Debant and Steve Kremer (2024-now)
  • Formal Methods tutorial given to Huawei Singapore with Ralf Sasse, as part of a joint project with ETH Zurich (2017-2018)
