Since 2020, in Nancy
- Spring semester 2022.
Teaching assistant for the course "Algorithms and Complexity" of Xavier Goaoc, at Ecole des Mines de Nancy (first year).
In 2023 and 2024, I've been substituting other TAs for this class when there is need.
From 2013 until 2020, at the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Zurich
- Spring semester 2020.
Maternity leave.
- Fall semester 2019.
Lecturer for the course Combinatorics of words.
Jacopo Borga is assisting for this course.
Lecture notes can be found on Jacopo's dedicated website.
- Spring semester 2019.
No teaching, compensating for my reduced working time (80%).
- Fall semester 2018.
Lecturer for the course Enumerative combinatorics.
One assistant is in charge of the exercise sessions for this course: Jacopo Borga.
- Spring semester 2018.
Lecturer for the course Introduction to Calculability and Complexity Theory.
One assistant is in charge of the exercise sessions for this course: Loreno Heer.
- Fall semester 2017.
Lecturer for the course Foundations of Mathematics.
Three assistants are in charge of the exercise sessions for this course: Dario DeStavola, Jehanne Dousse and Benedikt Stufler.
- Spring semester 2017.
Maternity leave.
- Fall semester 2016.
Lecturer for the course Foundations of Mathematics.
Three assistants are in charge of the exercise sessions for this course: Lisa Hofer, Jehanne Dousse and Raul Penaguião.
- Spring semester 2016.
Teaching assistant (exercise sessions) for the course Analytic Combinatorics.
- Fall semester 2015.
Lecturer for the course Introduction to Computability and Complexity Theory.
- Spring semester 2015.
Maternity leave.
- Fall semester 2014.
Teaching assistant (correction of solutions to exercises) for the course Grundlagen der Mathematik.
- Spring semester 2014.
Teaching assistant (exercise sessions) for the course Enumerative Combinatorics.
- Fall semester 2013.
Teaching assistant (correction of solutions to exercises) for the course Grundlagen der Mathematik.
In collaboration with Valentin Féray, I have also written a programming project proposal for the Programming in Python course of Paul-Olivier Dehaye.
From 2007 to 2010, at the Computer Science Department (UFR d'informatique) of University Paris Diderot
- Academic year 2009-2010 (Fall semester).
Teaching assistant (lectures and exercise sessions) for the course PF1 (Working principles of binary machines).
- Academic year 2009-2010 (Fall semester).
Teaching assistant (exercise sessions) for the course Algorithms.
- Academic year 2008-2009 (Spring semester).
Teaching assistant (programming sessions) for the course IO2 (Introduction to web programming).
- Academic year 2007-2008 (Fall semester).
Teaching assistant (programming sessions) for the course IF1 (Introduction to computer science and programming).