Slides of some presentations (mostly in English, though some old ones in French)
- Between weak and Bruhat: the middle order on permutations
- October 7th, at the "séminaire midi-combi", Nancy, France. Slides.
- October 15th, at the "Journées du GT CombAlg", Lyon, France. Slides.
- Combinatoire symbolique (et analytique), séries génératrices bivariées, et distribution de paramètres sur des objets discrets
- 18 et 19 juin, Mini-cours (en français) à l'école jeunes chercheurs du GdR IFM, Nantes, France. Slides.
- Generating trees, a method for enumeration
- April 19th, at the "séminaire midi-combi", Nancy, France. Slides.
- Permutations évitant des motifs (slides in French)
- 14 avril, exposé de clôture au TFJM^2, Nancy, France. Slides
- Non-uniform permutations biased according to their records
- March 23rd, at the Dagstuhl Seminar on Pattern Avoidance, Statistical Mechanics and Computational Complexity. Slides.
- Baxter Tree-like Tableaux
- July 6, at Permutation Patterns 2023, Dijon, France. Slides
- Limits of constrained permutations and graphs avoiding substructures, via decomposition trees
- May 11, at the London Colloquia in Combinatorics, QMUL, London. Slides.
- June 2nd, at on-line Copenhagen-Jerusalem Combinatorics seminar. Slides.
- June 21, at the Permutation Patterns conference, Valparaiso University, Indiana. Slides.
- Generating trees: a method for enumeration and local (and scaling) limits
- Mini-course at the journées Aléa, CIRM. Slides, exercise sheet including bibliographic references, and solutions of the exercises.
- Non-uniform permutations biased according to their records
- June 14, at the on-line conference Analysis of Algorithms 2021. Slides.
- September 23rd, at the Banff hybrid workshop "Permutations and probability". Slides.
- Graphon limit of random cographs.
- January 25, au groupe de travail combinatoire du LaBRI, virtuellement à Bordeaux. Slides.
The talk (in French) was recorded here.
- April 1st, at the séminaire Philippe Flajolet, on-line. Slides.
The talk (in French) was recorded here.
- June 10 and 17, at the Groupe de Travail ProbaStats de l'IECL, Nancy (on-line). Slides.
This talk was preceded by an introduction to Analytic Combinatorics, whose slides are available here.
- Limit shapes of pattern-avoiding permutations.
- February 11, at the Journées combinatoires de Bordeaux, Bordeaux. Slides.
- February 20, at the Winter Combinatorics Meeting, The Open University, Milton Keynes. Slides.
- First-order logic for permutations.
- March 26, at the 80rd Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, Lyon. Slides.
- May 7, at the Discrete Math Seminar, Uni. Zürich. Slides.
- May 17, at the meeting on Enumerative Combinatorics, Oberwolfach. Slides.
- Semi-Baxter and strong-Baxter: two relatives of the Baxter sequence.
- February 28, at the Discrete Math Seminar, Uni. Zürich. Blackboard talk with a few accompanying slides.
- Studying permutation classes using the substitution decomposition
- January 9, at the introductory school Combinatorics and Interactions, at the CIRM, Marseille. Slides.
- The Brownian limit of separable permutations
- June 28, at Permutation Patterns 2016 in Howard University. Slides.
- Decomposition trees of permutations, and how to use them for a (realistic ?) study of perfect sorting by reversals
- February 18, at the Dagstuhl workshop on Pattern Avoidance and Genome Sorting. Slides.
- May 3rd, at the Discrete Math Seminar, Uni. Zürich. Slides.
- A general theory of Wilf-equivalence for Catalan structures
- October 21, au Séminaire de l'équipe CALIN au LIPN. Slides.
- September 23, at the Discrete Math Seminar, Uni. Zürich. Slides.
- September 8, at the 73rd Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, Strobl. Slides.
- A general theory of Wilf-equivalence for permutation classes Av(231, π), and other Catalan structures
- July 7, at Permutation Patterns 2014 in ETSU. Slides.
- Combinatorial specifications of permutation classes, via their decomposition trees
- May 20, at the Discrete Mathematics Seminar of the University of Zurich. Slides.
- March 17, at Aléa 2014 in the CIRM, Marseille. Slides.
A video of this talk is available here.
- Permutation classes: structure and combinatorial properties
- December 17, at the University of Zurich. Slides.
- Some simple varieties of trees arising in permutation analysis
- June 24, our poster at FPSAC 2013. Poster.
- Operators of equivalent sorting power and related Wilf-equivalences
- December 5, for the Séminaire Philippe Flajolet, at IHP, Paris. Slides.
- June 25, our poster at FPSAC 2013. Poster.
- June 10, at CanaDAM, Memorial University, Saint John's, Newfoundland. Slides.
- March 29 and April 12, au groupe de travail combinatoire du LaBRI. Slides of the first and the second talk.
- Permutation patterns and permutation classes in (enumerative) combinatorics
- October 16, at the Institut für Mathematik, Universität Zürich. Slides.
- Refined enumeration of permutations sorted with two stacks and a D8-symmetry
- July 31, my poster at FPSAC 2012. Poster.
- June 11, at Permutation Patterns 2012, University of Strathclyde. Slides.
- 8 juin, au groupe de travail combinatoire du LaBRI. Slides.
- Average-case complexity analysis of perfect sorting by reversals
- February 20, Algorithms and Permutations 2012 workshop, Paris. Slides.
- An algorithm for computing the generating function of permutation classes and for their random generation
- 17 janvier, au séminaire graphes et structures discrètes au LIP. Slides.
- An algorithm for computing the generating function of permutation classes and for their random generation
- 9 décembre, au groupe de travail combinatoire du LaBRI. Slides.
- 15 novembre, au séminaire algo du GREYC. Slides.
- Perfect sorting by reversals: Average-case complexity analysis, and non-uniform extensions
- 29 septembre, au groupe de travail MaBioVis du LaBRI. Slides.
- Bubble sort and permutation classes
- 9 décembre, au séminaire de combinatoire du LIAFA. Slides.
- 3 décembre, au groupe de travail combinatoire du LaBRI. Slides.
- Permutations en combinatoire et algorithmique
- 16 novembre, pour la journée de rentrée de l'équipe combinatoire et algorithmique du LaBRI. Transparents.
- Substitution decomposition of permutations in enumerative combinatorics
- October 21, for the Workshop on Graph Decomposition: Theoretical, Algorithmic and Logical Aspects, at the CIRM, Marseille. Slides.
- Simple permutations in permutation classes (A polynomial algorithm for deciding the finiteness of the number of simple permutations in permutation classes)
- August 10, at the conference Permutation Patterns in Dartmouth College (Hanover, NH, USA). Slides.
- Average-case analysis of perfect sorting by reversals
- 18 mars, au séminaire combinatoire du LIAFA. Transparents.
- Motifs et classes de permutations : le point de vue des arbres de décomposition
- 4 mai, au séminaire de l'équipe ALGO du LRI. Transparents.
- 19 mars, au séminaire de l'équipe APR du LIP6. Transparents.
- 12 mars, au groupe de travail combinatoire du LaBRI. Transparents.
- Soutenance de thèse, le 4 décembre 2009
- Transparents en français de mon exposé.
- English version of the slides of my PhD defense.
- Motifs et classes de permutations : le point de vue des arbres de décomposition
- 8 décembre, au séminaire de l'équipe OCAD du LIPN, Villetaneuse. Transparents.
- 17 novembre, au séminaire de l'équipe Algo du l'Institut Gaspard Monge, Marne-la-Vallée. Transparents.
- Average-case analysis of perfect sorting by reversals
- June 24, at the conference Combinatorial Pattern Matching (Lille, France). Slides.
- 25 mars, au séminaire des doctorants du LIRMM à Montpellier. Transparents.
- Enumeration of pin-permutations
- March 16, yearly meeting of the working group Aléa. Slides.
- 11 février, au groupe de travail des thésards de PPS et du LIAFA. Transparents.
- February 6, Journées Combinatoires de Bordeaux. Slides.
- Pin-permutations: characterization and generating function
- November 12, at the workshop "Permutations and combinatorics" organized by the ANR project GAMMA. Slides.
- Posets and Permutations in the Duplication-Loss Model: Minimal Permutations with d Descents
- June 17, at the conference GASCom 2008 (Bibbiena, Italy). Slides.
- A variant of the tandem duplication - random loss model of genome rearragement
- 21 novembre, au groupe de travail des thésards de PPS et du LIAFA. Transparents.
- October 29, for the Journées Algorithmiques en l'honneur de Donald E. Knuth in Bordeaux. Slides.
- June 12, at the conference Permutation Patterns 2007 (Saint Andrews University, Scotland). Slides.
- Recherche de motifs dans les permutations
- 20 décembre, au groupe de travail combinatoire du LIX. Transparents.
- Introduction à la combinatoire : autour des nombres de Catalan
- 4 octobre au groupe de travail des thésards de PPS et du LIAFA. Transparents.
- Permutations séparables : combinatoire et algorithmique
- 15 septembre, ma soutenance de stage de Master. Transparents.
- Some Statistics on permutations avoiding Generalized Patterns
- September 14, at the conference GASCom 2006 (Dijon, France). Slides.
- Recherche combinatoire sur les graphes
- début septembre, ma soutenance de stage de deuxième année à l'ENS Cachan. Transparents.
- Enumération des permutations à motif exclu
- début septembre, ma soutenance de stage de première année à l'ENS Cachan. Transparents.