Slides of some presentations (mostly in English, though some old ones in French)


Combinatoire symbolique (et analytique), séries génératrices bivariées, et distribution de paramètres sur des objets discrets
18 et 19 juin, Mini-cours (en français) à l'école jeunes chercheurs du GdR IFM, Nantes, France. Slides.

Generating trees, a method for enumeration
April 19th, at the "séminaire midi-combi", Nancy, France. Slides.

Permutations évitant des motifs (slides in French)
14 avril, exposé de clôture au TFJM^2, Nancy, France. Slides


Non-uniform permutations biased according to their records
March 23rd, at the Dagstuhl Seminar on Pattern Avoidance, Statistical Mechanics and Computational Complexity. Slides.

Baxter Tree-like Tableaux
July 6, at Permutation Patterns 2023, Dijon, France. Slides


Limits of constrained permutations and graphs avoiding substructures, via decomposition trees
May 11, at the London Colloquia in Combinatorics, QMUL, London. Slides.
June 2nd, at on-line Copenhagen-Jerusalem Combinatorics seminar. Slides.
June 21, at the Permutation Patterns conference, Valparaiso University, Indiana. Slides.

Generating trees: a method for enumeration and local (and scaling) limits
Mini-course at the journées Aléa, CIRM. Slides, exercise sheet including bibliographic references, and solutions of the exercises.


Non-uniform permutations biased according to their records
June 14, at the on-line conference Analysis of Algorithms 2021. Slides.
September 23rd, at the Banff hybrid workshop "Permutations and probability". Slides.

Graphon limit of random cographs.
January 25, au groupe de travail combinatoire du LaBRI, virtuellement à Bordeaux. Slides.
  The talk (in French) was recorded here.
April 1st, at the séminaire Philippe Flajolet, on-line. Slides.
  The talk (in French) was recorded here.
June 10 and 17, at the Groupe de Travail ProbaStats de l'IECL, Nancy (on-line). Slides.
  This talk was preceded by an introduction to Analytic Combinatorics, whose slides are available here.


Limit shapes of pattern-avoiding permutations.
February 11, at the Journées combinatoires de Bordeaux, Bordeaux. Slides.
February 20, at the Winter Combinatorics Meeting, The Open University, Milton Keynes. Slides.


First-order logic for permutations.
March 26, at the 80rd Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, Lyon. Slides.
May 7, at the Discrete Math Seminar, Uni. Zürich. Slides.
May 17, at the meeting on Enumerative Combinatorics, Oberwolfach. Slides.


Semi-Baxter and strong-Baxter: two relatives of the Baxter sequence.
February 28, at the Discrete Math Seminar, Uni. Zürich. Blackboard talk with a few accompanying slides.

Studying permutation classes using the substitution decomposition
January 9, at the introductory school Combinatorics and Interactions, at the CIRM, Marseille. Slides.


The Brownian limit of separable permutations
June 28, at Permutation Patterns 2016 in Howard University. Slides.

Decomposition trees of permutations, and how to use them for a (realistic ?) study of perfect sorting by reversals
February 18, at the Dagstuhl workshop on Pattern Avoidance and Genome Sorting. Slides.
May 3rd, at the Discrete Math Seminar, Uni. Zürich. Slides.


A general theory of Wilf-equivalence for Catalan structures
October 21, au Séminaire de l'équipe CALIN au LIPN. Slides.
September 23, at the Discrete Math Seminar, Uni. Zürich. Slides.
September 8, at the 73rd Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, Strobl. Slides.

A general theory of Wilf-equivalence for permutation classes Av(231, π), and other Catalan structures
July 7, at Permutation Patterns 2014 in ETSU. Slides.

Combinatorial specifications of permutation classes, via their decomposition trees
May 20, at the Discrete Mathematics Seminar of the University of Zurich. Slides.
March 17, at Aléa 2014 in the CIRM, Marseille. Slides.
A video of this talk is available here.


Permutation classes: structure and combinatorial properties
December 17, at the University of Zurich. Slides.

Some simple varieties of trees arising in permutation analysis
June 24, our poster at FPSAC 2013. Poster.

Operators of equivalent sorting power and related Wilf-equivalences
December 5, for the Séminaire Philippe Flajolet, at IHP, Paris. Slides.
June 25, our poster at FPSAC 2013. Poster.
June 10, at CanaDAM, Memorial University, Saint John's, Newfoundland. Slides.
March 29 and April 12, au groupe de travail combinatoire du LaBRI. Slides of the first and the second talk.


Permutation patterns and permutation classes in (enumerative) combinatorics
October 16, at the Institut für Mathematik, Universität Zürich. Slides.

Refined enumeration of permutations sorted with two stacks and a D8-symmetry
July 31, my poster at FPSAC 2012. Poster.
June 11, at Permutation Patterns 2012, University of Strathclyde. Slides.
8 juin, au groupe de travail combinatoire du LaBRI. Slides.

Average-case complexity analysis of perfect sorting by reversals
February 20, Algorithms and Permutations 2012 workshop, Paris. Slides.

An algorithm for computing the generating function of permutation classes and for their random generation
17 janvier, au séminaire graphes et structures discrètes au LIP. Slides.


An algorithm for computing the generating function of permutation classes and for their random generation
9 décembre, au groupe de travail combinatoire du LaBRI. Slides.
15 novembre, au séminaire algo du GREYC. Slides.

Perfect sorting by reversals: Average-case complexity analysis, and non-uniform extensions
29 septembre, au groupe de travail MaBioVis du LaBRI. Slides.


Bubble sort and permutation classes
9 décembre, au séminaire de combinatoire du LIAFA. Slides.
3 décembre, au groupe de travail combinatoire du LaBRI. Slides.

Permutations en combinatoire et algorithmique
16 novembre, pour la journée de rentrée de l'équipe combinatoire et algorithmique du LaBRI. Transparents.

Substitution decomposition of permutations in enumerative combinatorics
October 21, for the Workshop on Graph Decomposition: Theoretical, Algorithmic and Logical Aspects, at the CIRM, Marseille. Slides.

Simple permutations in permutation classes (A polynomial algorithm for deciding the finiteness of the number of simple permutations in permutation classes)
August 10, at the conference Permutation Patterns in Dartmouth College (Hanover, NH, USA). Slides.

Average-case analysis of perfect sorting by reversals
18 mars, au séminaire combinatoire du LIAFA. Transparents.

Motifs et classes de permutations : le point de vue des arbres de décomposition
4 mai, au séminaire de l'équipe ALGO du LRI. Transparents.
19 mars, au séminaire de l'équipe APR du LIP6. Transparents.
12 mars, au groupe de travail combinatoire du LaBRI. Transparents.


Soutenance de thèse, le 4 décembre 2009
Transparents en français de mon exposé.
English version of the slides of my PhD defense.

Motifs et classes de permutations : le point de vue des arbres de décomposition
8 décembre, au séminaire de l'équipe OCAD du LIPN, Villetaneuse. Transparents.
17 novembre, au séminaire de l'équipe Algo du l'Institut Gaspard Monge, Marne-la-Vallée. Transparents.

Average-case analysis of perfect sorting by reversals
June 24, at the conference Combinatorial Pattern Matching (Lille, France). Slides.
25 mars, au séminaire des doctorants du LIRMM à Montpellier. Transparents.

Enumeration of pin-permutations
March 16, yearly meeting of the working group Aléa. Slides.
11 février, au groupe de travail des thésards de PPS et du LIAFA. Transparents.
February 6, Journées Combinatoires de Bordeaux. Slides.


Pin-permutations: characterization and generating function
November 12, at the workshop "Permutations and combinatorics" organized by the ANR project GAMMA. Slides.

Posets and Permutations in the Duplication-Loss Model: Minimal Permutations with d Descents
June 17, at the conference GASCom 2008 (Bibbiena, Italy). Slides.


A variant of the tandem duplication - random loss model of genome rearragement
21 novembre, au groupe de travail des thésards de PPS et du LIAFA. Transparents.
October 29, for the Journées Algorithmiques en l'honneur de Donald E. Knuth in Bordeaux. Slides.
June 12, at the conference Permutation Patterns 2007 (Saint Andrews University, Scotland). Slides.


Recherche de motifs dans les permutations
20 décembre, au groupe de travail combinatoire du LIX. Transparents.

Introduction à la combinatoire : autour des nombres de Catalan
4 octobre au groupe de travail des thésards de PPS et du LIAFA. Transparents.

Permutations séparables : combinatoire et algorithmique
15 septembre, ma soutenance de stage de Master. Transparents.

Some Statistics on permutations avoiding Generalized Patterns
September 14, at the conference GASCom 2006 (Dijon, France). Slides.


Recherche combinatoire sur les graphes
début septembre, ma soutenance de stage de deuxième année à l'ENS Cachan. Transparents.


Enumération des permutations à motif exclu
début septembre, ma soutenance de stage de première année à l'ENS Cachan. Transparents.