

  • 2006: PhD in Computer Graphics, “Pulmonary Motion Simulation for Oncological Treatment”, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Lyon.
  • 2001: MSc in Computer Graphics, “Modeling of new light sources for ray tracing”, University Jean Monnet de Saint-Etienne, Saint-Etienne.
  • 2001: MEng in Mechanical Engineering, ENISE, Saint-Étienne.

Research experience

  • since 2009: Associate Professor, University of Lorraine, Nancy (France).
  • Aug. 2014 – Jan. 2016: Visiting Professor, Harvard University, Cambridge (USA).
  • Apr. 2013 – June 2013: Invited Professor, Bangor University, Bangor (GB).
  • May 2007 – Aug. 2009: Post Doc, Imperial College of London, London (GB).
  • Oct. 2006 – Feb. 2007: Post Doc, CIMIT, Boston (USA).
  • 2002-2007: PhD student and ATER, LIRIS lab, Lyon (France).
  • Feb. 2001 – Sept 2001: MSc Intern student, École des Mines, Saint-Etienne (France).


  • 2009: Eurographics Medical prize with this article
  • 2012: Best Poster Award at MMVR with this poster
  • 2022: Best Paper Award at IPCAI with this article
  • 2023: Best Paper Presentation Award at FIMH with this article
  • since 2023: Holder of the RIPEC (linked to the quality of activities and professional commitments) Award

Reviewing committee

  • Conferences:
    • MICCAI (since 2010)
    • ISBMS (since 2009)
    • ISBI (since 2010)
    • IADIS Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing (since 2012)
    • Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (since 2014)
  • Journals:
    • IEEE Transaction on Medical Imaging
    • Annals of Biomedical Engineering
    • Computer Methods and Programms in Biomedicine
    • International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery
    • IEEE Transaction on Haptics
    • Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
    • MedicalPhysics
    • MEDIA


  • Courses: Number of different courses taught: 36, Full course design: 12, Module responsibilities: 14, Part course design: 19, courses in B.Sc and M.Sc.
  • Main courses: Web programming, Graphical user interface programming, Object-oriented programming, Interactive 3D programming in webGL, Distributed programming, Introduction to artificial intelligence, Virtual and augmented reality
  • Supervision: Internship supervision: 5 per year since 2009, Student project supervision: 6 per year (2009-2021)

Responsibilities And Collective/Administrative Interest

  • Teaching responsibilities: Director of Studies (since 2013), tutor project manager (2013-2021), professional license timetable manager (2012-2021), department IT manager (2009-2014), diploma jury chairman (2019-2021)
  • Scientific responsibilities: In charge of an Inria associate team CURATIVE (since 2017), reviewer for 7 journals and 5 conferences per year, 5 participations in recruitment committees (including 1 time vice-president), in charge of a workpackage in the ANR PreSPIN.
  • Collective responsibilities: Elected member of the Scientific Council of the Université de Lorraine (since 2023), elected member of the Institute Council of the IUT de Saint-Dié-des-Vosges (since 2021), member of the LORIA/Inria Sustainable Development Commission CARE (since 2019), member of the Editorial Committee of the LORIA Communication (2012-2013).


Biomechanical Modeling
Virtual Reality in Medicine
Medical Image Processing
Augmented Reality in Medicine