
Journal Articles

  • A. Yaacoub, V. Thomas, F. Colas, P. Maurice. “A Probabilistic Model for Cobot Decision Making to Mitigate Human Fatigue in Repetitive Co-manipulation Tasks”. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, IEEE, 2023. [PDF]
  • J. Zhong, V. Weistroffer, J.B. Mouret, F. Colas, P. Maurice. “Workstation Suitability Maps: Generating Ergonomic Behaviors on a Population of Virtual Humans with Multi-task Optimization”. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, IEEE, 2023. [PDF]
  • P. Maurice, F. Cuny-Enault, S. Ivaldi. “Influence of a passive back support exoskeleton on simulated patient bed bathing: Results of an exploratory study”. Ergonomics, Taylor&Francis, 2022. [PDF]
  • A.M. West, J. Hermus, M.E. Huber, P. Maurice, D. Sternad, N. Hogan. “Dynamic Primitives Limit Human Force Regulation during Motion”. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, IEEE, vol. 7 no. 2, pages 391–2398, 2022. Presented at ICRA 2022 (RAL-ICRA option), Philadelphia, USA [PDF].
  • L. Vianello, W. Gomes, F. Stulp, A. Aubry, P. Maurice, S. Ivaldi. “Latent Ergonomics Maps: Real-Time Visualization of Estimated Ergonomics of Human Movements”. Sensors, MDPI, vol. 22 no. 11, 2022. [PDF].
  • W. Gomes, P. Maurice, E. Dalin, J.B. Mouret, S. Ivaldi. “Multi-objective Trajectory Optimization to Improve Ergonomics in Human Motion”. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, IEEE, vol. 7 no. 1, pages 342–349, 2022 [PDF].
  • C. Latella, Y. Tirupachuri, L. Tagliapietra, L. Rapetti, B. Schirrmeister, J. Bornmann, D. Gorjan, J. Camernik, P. Maurice, L. Fritzsche, J. Gonzalez-Vargas, S. Ivaldi, J. Babic, F. Nori, D. Pucci . “Analysis of Human Whole-body Joint Torques during Overhead Work with a Passive Exoskeleton”. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 2021 [PDF].
  • L. Vianello, L. Penco, W. Gomes, Y. You, S. M. Anzalone, P. Maurice, V. Thomas, S. Ivaldi. “Human-Humanoid Interaction and Cooperation: a Review”. Current Robotics Reports, Springer, vol. 2, pages 441–454, 2021 [PDF].
  • L. Fritzsche, P. Galibarov, C. Gärtner, J. Bornmann, M. Damsgaard, R. Wall, B. Schirrmeister, J. Gonzalez-Vargas, D. Pucci, P. Maurice, S. Ivaldi, J. Babic. “Assessing the efficiency of exoskeletons in physical strain reduction by biomechanical simulation with AnyBody Modelling System”. Wearable Technologies, 2021 [PDF].
  • N. Settembre, P. Maurice, J. Paysant, J. Theurel, L. Claudon, H. Hani, B. Chenuel, S. Ivaldi. “The use of exoskeletons to help with prone positioning in the intensive care unit during COVID-19”. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Elsevier, vol. 63 no. 4, pages 379, 2020 [PDF].
  • P. Maurice, J. Čamernik, D. Gorjan, B. Schirrmeister, J. Bornmann, L. Tagliapietra, D. Pucci , L. Fritzsche, S. Ivaldi, J. Babič. “Objective and subjective effects of passive exoskeleton on overhead work”. Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, IEEE, vol. 28 no. 1, pages 152–164, 2020 [PDF].
  • P. Maurice, A. Malaisé, C. Amiot, N. Paris, G.J. Richard, O. Rochel, S. Ivaldi. “Human movement and ergonomics: An industry-oriented dataset for collaborative robotics”. The International Jounal of Robotics Research, SAGE Journals, vol. 38,  no. 14, pages 1529–1537, 2019 [PDF].
  • P. Maurice, V. Padois, Y. Measson, P. Bidaud. “Assessing and improving human movements using sensitivity analysis and digital human simulation”. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Taylor & Francis Online, 2019 [PDF].
  • A. Malaisé, P. Maurice, F. Colas, S. Ivaldi. “Activity Recognition for Ergonomics Assessment of Industrial Tasks with Automatic Feature Selection”. Robotics and Automation Letters, IEEE, 2019. Presented at ICRA 2019 (RAL-ICRA option), Montreal, Canada [PDF].
  • P. Maurice, N. Hogan, D. Sternad. “Predictability, Predictability, Force and (Anti-)Resonance in Complex Object Control”. Journal of Neurophysiology, 2018 [PDF].
  • P. Maurice, M.E. Huber, N. Hogan, D. Sternad. “Velocity-curvature patterns limit human-robot physical interaction”. Robotics and Automation Letters, IEEE, vol. 3 no. 1, pages 249–256, 2018. Presented at IROS 2017 (RAL-IROS option), Vancouver, Canada [PDF].
  • P. Maurice, Y. Measson, V. Padois, P. Bidaud. “Human-oriented design of collaborative robots”. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Elsevier, vol. 57, pages 88–102, 2017 [PDF].
  • P. Maurice,Y. Measson, V. Padois, P. Bidaud. “Experimental assessment of the quality of ergonomic indicators for dynamic systems computed using a digital human model”. International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation, Inderscience Publishers, vol. 5 no. 3, 2016. Extended version of the paper presented at DHM 2014 [PDF].

Book Chapters

  • P. Maurice, V. Padois, Y. Measson, P. Bidaud. “Digital Human Modeling in Collaborative Robotics”. DHM and Posturography. Elsevier, pages 771–779, 2019 [PDF].

Peer-Reviewed Conference Articles

  • M. Edraki, P. Maurice, D. Sternad. “Humans Need Augmented Feedback to Physically Track Non-Biological Robot Movements”. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2023), London, UK, 2023 [PDF].
  • A. Oliveira Souza, J. Grenier, F. Charpillet, P. Maurice, S. Ivaldi. “Towards data-driven predictive control of active upper-body exoskeletons for load carrying”. IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO 2023), Berlin, Germany, 2023 [PDF]. Best paper award.
  • S. Ivaldi, P. Maurice, W. Gomes, J. Theurel, L. Wioland, J.J. Atain-Kouadio, L. Claudon, H. Hani, A. Kimmoun, J.M. Sellal, B. Levy, J. Paysant, S.Malikov, B. Chenuel, N. Settembre. “Using exoskeletons to assist medical staff during prone positioning of mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients: a pilot study”. 12th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, New York, USA, 2021 [PDF].
  • P. Maurice, L. Allienne, A. Malaisé, F. Colas, S. Ivaldi. “Ethical and Social Considerations for the introduction of Human-Centered Technologies at Work”. IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO 2018), pages 1–8, Genova, Italy, 2018 [PDF].
  • A. Malaisé, P. Maurice, F. Colas, F. Charpillet, S. Ivaldi. “Activity Recognition With Multiple Wearable Sensors for Industrial Applications”. 11th International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI 2018), pages 1–8, Rome, Italy, 2018 [PDF].
  • P. Maurice, Y. Measson, V. Padois, P. Bidaud. “A digital human tool for guiding the ergonomic design of collaborative robots”. 4th Digital Human Modeling Symposium (DHM 2016), Montreal, Canada, 2016 [PDF].
  • P. Maurice, P. Schlehuber, V. Padois, Y. Measson, P. Bidaud. “Automatic selection of ergonomic indicators for the design of collaborative robots: a virtual-human in the loop approach”. 14th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2014), pages 801–808, IEEE, Madrid, Spain, 2014 [PDF].
  • P. Maurice,Y. Measson, V. Padois, P. Bidaud. “Experimental assessment of the quality of ergonomic indicators for dynamic systems computed using a digital human model”. 3rd Digital Human Modeling Symposium (DHM 2014), Tokyo, Japan [PDF].
  • P. Maurice, Y. Measson, V. Padois, P. Bidaud. “Assessment of physical exposure to musculoskeletal risks in collaborative robotics using dynamic simulation”. 19th CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics and Control (RoManSy 2012), pages 325–332, Paris, France, 2012 [PDF].

Conference Abstracts and Workshops

  • A. Yaacoub, V. Thomas, F. Colas, P. Maurice. “Fatigue Mitigation in Human-Robot Repetitive Co-Manipulation: A Planning-Friendly Discretization of The Continuous Action Space”. Workshop on Innovations and Applications of Human Modelling in Physical Human-Robot Interaction at IEEE/RAS International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024), Yokohama, Japan, 2024 [PDF].
  • P. Maurice, S. Lemonnier, N. Kohili, L. Cavagnac, G. Mornieux. “Biomechanical effects of using a passive upper-limb exoskeleton to assist firefighters during vehicle extrication maneuver”. 48th Congress of the Society of Biomechanics, Grenoble, France, 2023 [PDF].
  • M. Edraki, P. Maurice, D. Sternad. “Robot Motion Affects Human Force Regulation in Physical Human-Robot Interaction”. Workshop on Multilimb Coordination in Human Neuroscience and Robotics: Classical and Learning Perspectives at IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2023), Detroit, USA, 2023 (poster) [PDF].
  • S. Lemonnier, L. Cavagnac, N. Kohili, K. Bouillet, P. Maurice, G. Mornieux. “Sapeurs-pompiers et désincarcération : effet du port d’un exosquelette sur la charge cognitive et l’acceptation”. 12e Colloque de Psychologie Ergonomique (EPIQUE 2023), Paris, France, 2023 [PDF].
  • J. Zhong, P. Maurice, V. Weistroffer, J.B. Mouret, F. Colas. “Multi-task Optimization to Evaluate Workstation Suitability over a Population of Virtual Humans”. French Humanoid Robotics Days (JNRH 2023), Bordeaux, France, 2023 [PDF].
  • A. Oliveira Souza, J. Michenaud, R. Lartot, J. Grenier, F. Charpillet, P. Maurice, S. Ivaldi. “Simulating Upper Body Exoskeleton on a Digital Human Model”. French Humanoid Robotics Days (JNRH 2022), Angers, France, 2022 [PDF].
  • R. Lartot, J. Michenaud, A. Oliveira Souza, P. Maurice, S. Ivaldi, F. Charpillet. “Torque prediction for active exoskeleton control using ProMPs”.French Humanoid Robotics Days (JNRH 2022), Angers, France, 2022 [PDF].
  • M. Edraki, P. Maurice, D. Sternad. “Robot Motion Affects Human Force Regulation in Physical Human-Robot Interaction”. Workshop on Integrating Multidisciplinary Approaches to Advance Physical Human-Robot Interaction at IEEE/RAS International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2022), Philadelphia, USA, 2022 (poster) [PDF].
  • J. Zhong, V. Weistroffer, P. Maurice, C. Andriot, F. Colas. “Interacting with a Torque-Controlled Virtual Human in Virtual Reality for Ergonomics Studies”. IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality (IEEE VR), Christchurch, New-Zealand, 2022 (poster, virtual event) [PDF].
  • W. Gomes, P. Maurice, N.Settembre, J. Theurel, L. Wioland, J.J. Atain-Kouadio, L. Claudon, B. Chenuel, H. Hani, A. Kimmoun, B. Levy, J.M. Sellal, J. Paysant, S.Malikov, S. Ivaldi. “Biomechanical effects of using a passive back support exoskeleton during pronepositioning maneuver: A pilot study“. 46th Congress of the Society of Biomechanics, Saint-Etienne, France, 2021 (oral, virtual event) [PDF].
  • W. Gomes, P. Maurice, E. Dalin, J.B. Mouret, S. Ivaldi. “Improving Ergonomics at Work with Personalized Multi-Objective Optimization of Human Movements”. 12th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, New York, USA, 2021 (oral, virtual event) [PDF].
  • A. Ithayakumar, A. Osswald, V. Thomas, P. Maurice. “Reducing work-related physical fatigue with a collaborative robot:A decision-making approach”. French Humanoid Robotics Days (JNRH 2021), Angers, France, 2021 (oral, virtual event) [PDF].
  • W. Gomes, P. Maurice, E. Dalin, J.B. Mouret, S. Ivaldi. “Multi-objective trajectory pptimization to improve ergonomics in human work activities”. French Humanoid Robotics Days (JNRH 2021, virtual event), Angers, France, 2021 (oral) [PDF].
  • L. Fritzsche, C. Gartner, M. Spitzhirn, P.E. Galibarov, M. Damsgaard, P. Maurice, J. Babic. “Assessing the efficiency of industrial exoskeletons with biomechanical modelling — Comparison of experimental and simulation results”. 21st Triennal Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021), Vancouver, Canada, 2021 (oral, virtual event) [PDF].
  • P. Maurice, J. Čamernik, D. Gorjan, B. Schirrmeister, J. Bornmann, L. Tagliapietra, D. Pucci , L. Fritzsche, S. Ivaldi, J. Babič. “Evaluation of PAEXO, a novel passive exoskeleton for overhead work”. 44th Congress of the French Society of Biomechanics, Poitiers, France, 2019 (oral, abstract in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, vol. 22 no. 1 pages 448–450) [PDF].
  • P. Maurice, S. Ivaldi, L. Fritzsche, J. Babic, F. Stulp, M. Damsgaard, B. Graimann, G. Bellusci, D. Pucci, F. Nori. “Learning and control for human-robot collaboration”. 9th International Conference on Safety of Industrial Automated Systems (SIAS 2018), Nancy, France, 2018 (oral).
  • P. Maurice, J. Čamernik, D. Gorjan, B. Schirrmeister, J. Bornmann, L. Tagliapietra, D. Pucci , S. Ivaldi, J. Babič. “Objective and subjective effects of passive exoskeleton on overhead work”. 9th International Conference on Safety of Industrial Automated Systems (SIAS 2018), Nancy, France, 2018 (oral) [PDF].
  • A. Malaisé, P. Maurice, F. Colas, S. Ivaldi. “Online human activity recognition for ergonomics assessment”. 9th International Conference on Safety of Industrial Automated Systems (SIAS 2018), Nancy, France, 2018 (poster) [PDF].
  • P. Maurice, V. Padois, Y. Measson, P. Bidaud. “A digital human tool for guiding the ergonomic dessign of collaborative robots”. 9th International Conference on Safety of Industrial Automated Systems (SIAS 2018), Nancy, France, 2018 (poster) [PDF].
  • P. Maurice, V. Padois, Y. Measson, P. Bidaud. “Assessing and improving human movements using sensitivity analysis and digital human simulation”. 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, Dublin, Ireland, 2018 (oral). Finalist of the Young Investigator Award of the French Society of Biomechanics [PDF].
  • P. Maurice, J. Čamernik, D. Gorjan, B. Schirrmeister, J. Bornmann, L. Tagliapietra, D. Pucci , S. Ivaldi, J. Babič. “Objective and subjective effects of passive exoskeleton on overhead work”. French Humanoid Robotics Days (JNRH 2018), Nancy, France, 2018 (oral) [PDF].
  • P. Maurice, N. Hogan, D. Sternad. “Predictability, effort and anti-resonance in complex object control”. Workshop on Human Movement Understanding for Humanoid and Wearable Robots at IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2017), Vancouver, Canada, 2017 (poster) [PDF].
  • P. Maurice, F. Ye., C.J. Hasson, D. Sternad. “Predictability, effort and resonance in complex object control”. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, USA, 2016 (poster).
  • P. Maurice, V. Padois, Y. Measson, P. Bidaud. “Virtual ergonomics for the design of collaborative robots”. French Humanoid Robotics Days (JNRH 2015), Nantes, France, 2015 (oral) [PDF].
  • P. Maurice, V. Padois, Y. Measson, P. Bidaud. “Assessment of physical exposure to musculoskeletal risks in collaborative robotics using dynamic simulation”. French Humanoid Robotics Days (JNRH 2012), Montpellier, France, 2012 (oral).


  • P. Maurice. “Virtual ergonomics for the design of collaborative robots”. PhD thesis, University Pierre et Marie Curie, 2015 [PDF].


  • W. Gomes, P. Maurice, S. Ivaldi. “Andy Data Human Human Object Co-manipulation”. DOI : 10.5281/zenodo.3989616, 2020 [link].
  • P. Maurice, J. Čamernik, D. Gorjan, B. Schirrmeister, J. Bornmann, L. Tagliapietra, C. Latella, D. Pucci, S. Ivaldi, J. Babič. “AndyData-lab-onePersonWithExoskeleton”. DOI : 10.5281/zenodo.1472214, 2018 [link].
  • P. Maurice, A. Malaisé, C. Amiot, N. Paris, G.J. Richard, O. Rochel, L. Fritzsche, S. Ivaldi. “AndyData-lab-onePerson”. DOI : 10.5281/zenodo.1471975, 2018 [link].
  • A. Malaisé, P. Maurice, O. Rochel, F. Colas, S. Ivaldi. “AndyData-lab-onePersonWithShoes”. DOI : 10.5281/zenodo.1472122, 2018 [link].
  • P. Maurice, F. Ye, N. Hogan, D. Sternad. “Manipulation of complex objects dataset – Rhythmic Cup Task experiment”. DOI : 10.5281/zenodo.815579, 2017 [link].