
  1. Algorithmic aspects of elliptic bases in finite field discrete logarithm algorithms.
    with Antoine Joux

Record computation


  1. Lattice Enumeration for Tower NFS: a 521-bit Discrete Logarithm Computation.
    with Gabrielle de Micheli and Pierrick Gaudry
    Asiacrypt 2021, Best Paper

  2. Asymptotic complexities of discrete logarithm algorithms in pairing-relevant finite fields.
    with Gabrielle De Micheli and Pierrick Gaudry
    Crypto 2020

  3. A Tale of Three Signatures: practical attack of ECDSA with wNAF.
    with Gabrielle De Micheli and Rémi Piau
    Africacrypt 2020

  4. Polynomial Time Bounded Distance Decoding near Minkowski’s Bound in Discrete Logarithm Lattices
    with Léo Ducas
    Design, Code and Cryptography (DCC), 2018
    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Design, Code and Cryptography. The final authenticated version is available online at:

  5. Malleability of the Blockchain's Entropy
    with Benjamin Wesolowski
    Cryptography and Communications (CCDS), Springer, 2017
    Presented at ArcticCrypt Conference 2016

  6. Nearly Sparse Linear Algebra, and Applications to Discrete Logarithms Computations
    with Antoine Joux
    Review Volume « Contemporary Developments in Finite Fields and Applications »
    2016 copyright World Scientific Publishing Company

  7. Technical history of discrete logarithms in small characteristic finite fields. The road from subexponential to quasi-polynomial complexity.
    with Antoine Joux
    Journal of Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2016

  8. The Multiple Number Field Sieve with Conjugation and Generalized Joux-Lercier Methods
    Eurocrypt 2015

  9. Improving the Polynomial time Precomputation of Frobenius Representation Discrete Logarithm Algorithms, Simplified Setting for Small Characteristic Finite Fields
    with Antoine Joux
    Asiacrypt 2014

  10. The Multiple Number Field Sieve for Medium and High Characteristic Finite Fields
    with Razvan Barbulescu
    LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics
    Presented at ANTS XI, 2014, South Korea

  11. The Past, evolving Present and Future of Discrete Logarithm
    with Antoine Joux and Andrew Odlyzko
    Open Problems in Mathematical and Computational Science Book, Springer, 2014
    I aknowledge the ePublisher Springer to let me self-archive my chapter. The full book can be downloaded on Springer's website.

  12. The Special Number Field Sieve in Finite Fields, Application to Pairing-Friendly Constructions
    with Antoine Joux
    Pairing 2013

Reports and manuscripts (in French)

  1. Le problème du logarithme discret dans les corps finis.
    PhD Thesis, defended on Nov. 25th, 2016, in UPMC, Sorbonne-Universités, Paris 6. I still have some printed manuscripts, tell me if you would like to have one.

  2. Calculs de logarithmes discret dans les corps finis par cribles spécial de corps de nombres, Application aux courbes elliptiques bien couplées.
    Mémoire de Master 2 : Algèbre Appliquée à la Cryptographie et au Calcul Formel, Université de Versailles, Septembre 2013

For recreational purposes: my Erdös number equals 2.