Licence 1
De l’écrit à l’information
- Introduction et Langues et systèmes d’écriture – TD
- Langues et langages – TD
- Langue, parole, langage, signe – TD
- Mot, unité lexicale, token – TD
- Morphosyntaxe, syntaxe – TD
Licence 3
Outils pour l’analyse linguistique
- Introduction, corpus et rappels de TAL
- TXM 1
- TXM 2
- GREW-count
- Intro au TAL récent
Master 1 TAL/NLP
Python for beginners
Required: install Jupyter notebook (install party planned the 1st week)
- Introduction (pdf) and First steps (HTML) – TD (notebook)
- Strings, control flow and loops (HTML) – TD (notebook)
- Lists, Tuples, Sets and Files (HTML) – TD (notebook) – 80jours50l file
- Dictionaries and Functions (HTML) – TD (notebook) – MyBiblio file
- Recap (HTML) – TD (notebook)
- Python outside Jupyter notebook, modules and some libraries (HTML) – TD (notebook)
- Some useful libraries: NumPy, Pandas, et al. (HTML) – TD (notebook)
- Objects (1h only) (HTML) – TD (notebook, 1h only)
- Introduction, First steps + Philosophical bases – TD (link to files, if paywall)
- Biases – TD
- Systemic issues – TD (finishing the preparation of your presentation)
- Your presentations
Master 1 MIAGE
Génie logiciel
- Introduction, motivations et historique — Projets
- Cycle de vie du logiciel
- Introduction à Git
- Git plus loin
Master 2 TAL/NLP
Ethics and orientation
- Ethics: Introduction, First steps + Philosophical bases
- Ethics: DIY
- Orientation:
- Research (me):
- Building a literature review
- Reviewing a research paper (in NLP) — Reviews for paper #42
- Pro (Hugues de Mazancourt)
- Research (me):
- Ethics: Biases
- Ethics: TD
- Ethics: Systemic issues
- Ethics: TD: Your presentations
- Overview (what to expect)