European Innovative Training Network RNAct – Kickoff Workshop, Nancy, 6-10 oct 2019

The kickoff workshop of European Innovative Training Network (ITN) RNAct will take place at the LORIA in Nancy (France) from sunday, october 6, to thursday, october 10, 2019.

« The overarching aim of RNAct is to create an integrated and multidisciplinary training and research programme, with close integration of experiment and computation, to design novel RNA recognition motif (RRM) proteins for exploitation in synthetic biology and bio- analytics. »

Preliminary program (30/08/3019):


The scientific lectures on Tuesday, october 8th and Thursday, october 10th (morning) are open to anybody interested by some training in the concerned fields. Attendance is free but registration is mandatory for a better organization.

If you want to attend, please provide your full name, status and affiliation by writing to Isaure Chauvot de Beauchene (


ITN Participants:

  • 10 ESR PhD students and their supervisors
  • RNAct scientific advisory board