Selected talks
- Computable presentations of topological spaces. [slides]
Seminar on computable topologies, Kochel-am-See, Sept. 2024
- Products do not preserve computable type. [slides (includes this short video)]
Informal talk at CiE 2023, Batumi (hybrid)
and Workshop on Recursion Theory and its Applications, Oct. 2023, Hangzhou.
- The fixed-point property for represented spaces. [slides]
Computability Theory and Applications Online Seminar (CTA), Feb. 2021
and Workshop on Equivalences, Numberings, Reducibilities, Astana (hybrid), May 2024.
- Computability of invariant measures. [slides]
Workshop Algorithmic Questions in Dynamical Systems.
Toulouse (France), March 26-29, 2018
- On the extension of computable real functions. [slides]
Conference LICS 2017.
Reykjavik (Iceland), June 20-23, 2017.
- The typical constructible object. [slides]
Special session Computable and Constructive Analysis at the conference CiE 2016.
Paris (France), June 27-July 1, 2016.
- On the information carried by programs about the objects they compute. [slides]
Workshop Continuity, Computability, Constructivity (CCC) 2015.
Kochel am See (Germany), September 14-18, 2015
- Computability in ergodic theory. [slides]
Workshop Dynamical Systems and Computability.
Lyon (France), December 17-18 2013
- Calculabilité sur les réels. [slides in French]
École Jeunes
Chercheurs en Informatique et Mathématiques (EJCIM) 2011.
Amiens (France), 28 mars-1er avril 2011
- Decidability over infinite sequences.
E-JUST Workshop on Computer Science Research.
Alexandria (Egypt), October 24, 2010
- Randomness, computability and the ergodic decomposition. [slides]
workshop on Algorithms, complexity and applications.
Moscow (Russia), June 13-15, 2010
- Dynamical systems: unpredictability vs uncomputability. [slides]
Workshop Physics
and Computation satellite of UC 2009.
Ponta Delaga (Portugal), September 10, 2009
- Applications of effective probability theory to Martin-Löf randomness. [slides]
ICALP 2009.
Rhodes (Greece), July 6, 2009
- Approches algorithmiques des probabilités. [slides in French]
Séminaire de Probabilités de l'Institut Élie
Nancy (France), April 30, 2009
- Computability, randomness and ergodic theory on metric spaces. [slides]
PhD defense.
ENS Paris (France), June 17, 2008