Invited Talk at Séminaire IA Génératives: Promesses et Défis, 12 March 2025, Paris. Generative AI: Benefits and Challenges for Natural Language Processing
Invited Talk at MIAI-DAYS 2024, 17-18 June 2024, Grenoble. Verbalising Graphs into High-, Medium- and Low-Resource Languages
Invited Lecture at AnnoDemo, 6 June 2024, Banyuls. D'où viennent les LLM ?
Slides Méthodes neuronales pour une génération de texte conditionnelle, multilingue et informée Slides
Talk at 3rd Workshop on Tools and Resources for REAding DIfficulties (READI), 20 May 2024, Torino, Italy. Evaluating Document Simplification: On the Importance of Separately Assessing Simplicity and Meaning Preservation.
Invited Talk at LIFT ILFC (Interactions between Formal and Computational Linguistics) Montly Online Seminar, 24 April 2024, Online. Simplifying Documents: Planning helps and Context matters.
Invited Talk at The fourth Advanced Language Processing School, 03 April 2024, Aussois, France. Generating Text from various Sources into multiple Languages. Part 1
Part 2
Invited Talk at "Semantics and AI Workshop", 27 February 2024, Groningen University, The Netherlands. Document Simplification: Controlling Simplification and Modeling Context
Invited Talk at "Journées pour les prépas MPSI et MP2I Poincaré", 24 January 2024, LORIA, Nancy, France. Générer du texte avec des réseaux de neurones
Séminaire Collège de France, 19 january 2024, Génération à partir de connaissances.
Invited Talk Club learning de l'Anvie animé par Cécile Dejoux, 21 November 2023, Interagir avec ChatGPT.
Talk at Journées scientifiques du GdR LIFT, 20-21 November 2023, Nancy, France. LIFT 2017-2023.
Invited Talk Journées sur la recherche en Traitement Automatique des Langues pour la Défense, 13 November 2023, Rennes, France. Génération de texte à partir de textes et de graphes.
Invited Talk CLASP Seminar, 25 October 2023, Gothenburg, Sweden. Simplifying Documents.
Invited Talk JSALT 2023, 20 July 2023, Le Mans, France. Analysing Conditional Neural Models.
Keynote NALOMA 23: Natural Logic meets Machine Learning 2023, 10 June 2023, Nancy, France.
Analyser les modèles neuronaux.
Keynote, 30e Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (CORIA-TALN 2023),6 June 2023, Paris, France. Analyser les modèles neuronaux.
Invited talk Simplifying Sentences and Documents. 15 February 2023, Napier University, Edinburgh, UK.
Invited talk Journée OLKi "Langue et IA citoyenne": Interfacer génération automatique de textes et extraction d'information. 16 décembre 2022, LORIA, Nancy.
Keynote at
Workhop ICCBR-ATA "Analogies: from Theory to Applications"
, 12 September 2022, Nancy. Neural Approaches to Analogy.
Invited lecture at la 16ème école d'été de Peyresq en traitement du signal et des images, 26 June - 2 July 2022, Peyresq. Neural NLG: Pitfalls and Promises.
Talk at the NL4XAI Spring School, Nancy, 19 April 2022, LORIA, Nancy. Retrieval-Augmented Generation of Long Form Text.
Invited lecture at Cognition and Language Seminar, Lorraine University, Nancy, 1 December 2021, Lorraine University, Nancy. Generating Text.
Invited lecture at Doctorales IA Nancy, 24 November 2021, LORIA, Nancy. Generating Text.
Invited lecture at ENS Lyon, 25 May 2021, Online. Neural Approaches to Natural Language Generation .
Invited Lecture at ALPS 2021: the Advanced Language Processing Winter School, 17-22 January 2021, Naver Labs, Grenoble, Online. Neural Approaches to Natural Language Generation
Keynote Talk at INLG'20: The 13th International Conference on Natural Language Generation (INLG), 15-18 December, 2020, Dublin Online. Generating from Abstract Meaning Representations into 21 Languages
Keynote Talk at WNGT'20: The 4th Workshop on Neural Generation and Translation (WNGT), 10 juillet, Virtual ACL. Generating Long Form Text from Long Form Multi-Document Input
Keynote Talk at NLDB'20: The 25th International Conference on Natural Language \& Information Systems, 24 june 2020, Virtual Conference.
Generating Long Form Text from Long Form Multi-Document Input.
Keynote Talk at MSR'19: Second Workshop on Multilingual Surface Realization, 3 November, 2019, Hong Kong. Neural NLG: Encoding, Scaling and Generalising
Keynote Talk at SSW10: The 10th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop, 20-22 September, 2010, Vienna, Austria. Creating Text
Keynote Talk at GaC 2018 : Grammar and Corpora, 15 November 2018, Paris, France. The Interplay between Grammar and Generation
Keynote Talk at CNL 2018 : Sixth International Workshop on Controlled Natural Language, 27 August 2018, Maynooth, Co Kildare, Ireland.
Generating Natural Language from OWL and RDF Data: Grammar-based, Statistical and Neural Approaches
Tutorial presented at AIPHES, Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, September 14th, 2018, Darmstadt (Germany).
Deep Learning Approaches to Text Production
Tutorial presented at NAACL, June 1st, 2018, New Orleans (USA).
Deep Learning Approaches to Text Production
Invited talk at Google Zurich , May 11th, 2017, Zurich (Switzerland).
Creating Benchmarks for Microplanning.
- Invited talk at Amazon , June 8th, 2017, Cambridge (UK)
Invited Seminar at XRCE Grenoble, October 20th, 2015, Grenoble (France).
Making Choices: A Grammar-Based Statistical Approach to Micro-Planning
Invited ILLC/HCRC Seminar, November 24th, 2015, University of Edinburgh (UK).
Making Choices: A Grammar-Based Statistical Approach to Micro-Planning
Invited Seminar at a Mini-Symposium on Natural Language Generation, December 10th, 2015, University of Groningen (The Netherlands).
Making Choices: A Grammar-Based Statistical Approach to Micro-Planning
Invited Seminar at the U.S. National Library of Medicine, December 15th, 2015, Bethesda, Maryland (U.S.A).
Making Choices: A Grammar-Based Statistical Approach to Micro-Planning
Keynote Talk at the 2nd International Conference on Statistical Language and Speech Processing, SLSP 2014 , Octobre 14th, 2014, Grenoble (France).
Syntax and Natural Language Generation.
Invited Talk at Melbourne University (Australia) , March 27, 2014.
Generating from Knowledge Bases (1)
Generating from Knowledge Bases (2)
Invited Talk, March 26, 2014, Melbourne University (Australia).
Optimising Surface Realisation and Improving Gramamrs using Error Mining
Invited Talk, March 24, 2014, Melbourne University (Australia).
Surface Realisation using Tree Adjoining Grammar. Application to Computer Aided Language Learning.
Invited Talk, February 2014, KU Leuven (Belgium). Generating Sentences from Data
Invited Talk, February 2014, ITEC Research Seminar, KU Leuven (Belgium).
Automatically Generated Grammar Exercises and Dialogs for Language Learning
Invited Talk, January 2014, Xerox Research Center Europe, Grenoble (France)
Grammar Based Generation: Algorithms, Error Mining and Applications
Oral Presentation at COLING 2012, Mumbai (India)
Structure-Driven Lexicalist Generation
Invited Talk, October 2012, LIFO, Orleans University, (France)
. Improving Computational Grammars
Keynote Talk at
Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN), June 2011, Montpellier (France).
Sentence Generation: Input, Algorithms and Applications
Invited Tutorial, June 2011, Banff (Canada).
Natural Language Generation meets the Semantic Web Knowledge Capture (K-CAP)
Invited Tutorial at the LAICS Summer School (Language, Artificial
Intelligence and Computer Science for Natural Language Processing
applications) Bangkok, (Thailand) , November 2010.Computer Aided Language Learning
Invited Tutorial at the LAICS Summer School (Language, Artificial
Intelligence and Computer Science for Natural Language Processing
applications) Bangkok, (Thailand) , November 2009.
Paraphrase Acquisition
Invited tutorial at the LAICS Summer School (Language, Artificial
Intelligence and Computer Science for Natural Language Processing
applications) Bangkok, (Thailand) , November 2006.
Tree Adjoining Grammars: Specficiation, Semantic Construction and Surface Realisation
Invited tutorial at the LAICS Summer School (Language, Artificial
Intelligence and Computer Science for Natural Language Processing
applications) Bangkok, (Thailand) , November 2006.
Natural Language Generation