Retirement time

Retirement time has come for me on July 1, 2024. After more than 40 years of good and loyal service to the CNRS (yes, I was recruited in 1983!), I felt that it was time to make way for the young! At age 65, I noticed that I was starting to take much longer to complete all the tasks assigned to me, which led to a loss of efficiency, especially for administrative tasks. I found it increasingly difficult to cope with not having enough time to do real research. I am now taking full advantage of my free time to finish « voluntarily » and « out of passion » the few projects in which I am still involved. I also plan to get back to the piano and plant rose bushes in my garden. Traveling would also be a happy prospect, especially thanks to the kitty that my colleagues at Loria offered me. May they all be thanked for it, as well as for the great times spent together!

On July 11, 2024, I was happy to invite all my colleagues from Loria, Inria and Université de Lorraine for a drink. A very pleasant moment! Many people came by and I also received many very nice emails from those who could not come. Thank you all!

We took some symbolic photos. For example, this one with four female scientists! Aren’t we fulfilled and happy! Thanks to you: Malika, Nathalie and Muriel for having had the opportunity to work with you!


And also this one where I find myself with 4 boys that I had the chance to supervise: Emmanuel, Philippe, Adrien and Gabin. Thank you all four for having been such good students and collaborators. I must also mention André, Nizar, Sidahmed, Zia, Hrishi and of course Diego my last PhD student who defended on July 10, 2024!






Last but not least, the 1000 piece puzzle representing the CAPSID team in 2019 that was given to me on July 11th. Here is the proof I was able to finish it 😉 !

The CAPSID team is now under the responsibility of Isaure Chauvot de Beauchêne. Good luck to her and all my former colleagues for future fruitful research adventures.


Brazil trip

It’s been so long since I posted anything on this web page! I have been very busy managing the CAPSID team and all the doctoral theses that were in progress since 2019. Today, I can’t resist sharing my pleasure of being in Brazil for the first time thanks to the COFECUB-CAPES project coordinated by Malika Smaïl-Tabbone and Pr Maria Sueli Felipe. I will visit our colleagues at the Catholic University of Brasilia and at the State University of Maringa. See the Project page for more details. A really great experience !

Covid-19 research activity

Research on SARS-Cov-2 virus has grown exponentially in recent months. Although I was not able to redirect all my research activity on Covid-19, I was happy and honoured to contribute to several initiatives :

  • The Covid-19 disease map under the IFB and ELIXIR Interoperability Platform
  • Interfering with SARS-Cov-2 virus entry into the cell through inhibition of spike-ACE2 interaction (with Bernard Maigret and external collaborators)
  • Visualizing Covid-19 tests distribution using Sankey Diagrams (with Malika Smaïl-Tabbone and Salma Aziz)

Results of the last two projects will be available soon.

ECCB 2020 virtual conference

I was glad to attend virtual ECCB 2020 under the motto Planetary Health and Biodiversity from Aug 31st to Sep 8, 2020. Very interesting keynotes and presentations. The special issue will be delivered on October 21st, following OUP Bioinformatics schedule. Meanwhile, you can download the conference book with program and abstracts. We all hope that it will be possible to meet in 2022 in Sitges near Barcelona ! And before that, for the joint ISMB/ECCB conference in Lyon next year !

*ECCB is for European Conference on Computational Biology

Quelques mots sur l’équipe CAPSID – A few words about the CAPSID team

Je suis membre de l’équipe CAPSID , dirigée par Dave W. Ritchie, depuis sa création (1er janvier 2015).

I am member of the CAPSID team, lead by Dave W. Ritchie, since its creation (January 1st, 2015).

The CAPSID team conducts research in Computational Structural Biology along two synergistic axes :

a) development of algorithms to mine the « big data » of protein structures and protein-protein interactions (PPI);

b) development of algorithms which assist in modeling of large multimolecular assemblies, which are the biological
factories of the cell.

See activity report of the team here.