- HDR in Computer Science, University of Lorraine
Title: From humans to humanoids : learning and interaction for human-humanoid collaboration
President of Jury: Bernard Girau
Reviewers: Philippe Fraisse, Christine Chevallereau, Tamim Asfour
Examiners: Aude Billard, Bruno Siciliano
Invited: Francesco Nori
Date and place of defense: 25/11/2022, University of Lorraine - PhD in Humanoid Technologies, University of Genoa and Italian Institute of Technology
Title: From humans to humanoids : a study on optimal motor control for the iCub
Distinctions: excellent (maximum)
Supervisor: Giorgio Metta
President of Evaluation Committee: Tamim Asfour
Members of Jury : Darwin Caldwell, Gabriel Baud-Bovy, Ryad Chellali, Giulio Sandini
Date and place of defense: 28/04/2011, Italian Institute of Technology
- MS with highest honors in Computer Engineering – Specialization Robotics and Automation, University of Genoa, Italy
Thesis title: Optimal control of communication channels through team theory and Extended Ritz method
Supervisors: Marco Baglietto, Riccardo Zoppoli - BS with highest honors in Computer Engineering, University of Genoa, Italy
Thesis title: Study and implementation of an algorithm for feature tracking in image sequences
Supervisor: Giorgio Cannata
Professional experience
- 10/2023-now: Director of research (DR2) in INRIA Nancy
- 03/2023-04/2023: Visiting expert at HRI Lab in ESA / ESTEC
Hosts: Thomas Kruger and Gianfranco Visentin - 09/2017-09/2023: Research scientist (CR-CN) in INRIA Nancy
- 12/2016-08/2017: Research scientist (CR1) in INRIA Nancy
- 11/2014- 12/2016: Research scientist (CR2) in INRIA Nancy
Main collaborations: Francois Charpillet, Francis Colas, Jean-Baptiste Mouret - 05/2014 – 10/2014: Postdoc in Intelligent Autonomous Systems Lab, TU Darmstadt
Supervisor and main collaborations: Jan Peters, Gerhard Neumann - 05/2011 – 04/2014: Postdoc in ISIR, UMR 7222 CNRS & UPMC, Paris
Supervisor and main collaborations: Olivier Sigaud, Vincent Padois, Mohamed Chetouani, Anis Sahbani, Freek Stulp - 01/2007 – 04/2011: Research Fellow at the Robotics, Brain and Cognitive Science Dept, Italian Institute of Technology
Supervisors and main collaborations: Francesco Nori, Giorgio Metta, Bastien Berret
- 02/2006 – 11/2006: Research internship at Neural Optimization Control and Complexity Lab (Nocclab)
Supervisors: Marco Baglietto, Riccardo Zoppoli - 02/2004 – 09/2004: Research internship at Mechatronics and Automatic Control Lab (Maclab)
Supervisors: Giorgio Cannata, Federico Guido
- 2023: Best Conference Paper Award – IEEE ARSO 2023
- 2022: Best Conference Paper Finalist – IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics
- 2021: 50 women in robotics you need to know about – by Women in Robotics & Robohub
- 2021: IEEE RA-L Distinguished Service Award as Outstanding Associate Editor
- 2021: Best Interactive Paper Award finalist – IEEE-RAS HUMANOIDS 2020
- 2020: Prix Suzanne Zivi – by Académie Stanislas
- 2014: Kanako Miura award – at Humanoids 2014
- 2022-…: Associate VP of IEEE Robotics & Automation Society Member Activities Board (RAS MAB)
- 2022-2023: Co-Chair of the IEEE ICRA Steering Committee (RAS ICRA SC)
- 2021-2023: co-leader of the Working Group on Humanoid Robots (GT7 Humanoïde) of the French Robotics Society (GDR Robotique)
- 2021-2022: international judge of the ANA Avatar Xprize competition
at Inria
- 10/2022-02/2024: member of Bureaux de Comité des Projets (BCP) of Inria Nancy Grand-Est
- 2022-2024: head of researchers (responsable des permanents) of Team Larsen
International Conference co-organisation
- General Chair, HUMANOIDS 2024
- Media Chair, ICDL 2022
- Publicity Chair, HUMANOIDS 2022
- Tutorial Chair, CORL 2021
- Publicity Chair, ARSO 2018
- Publicity Chair, ICDL 2017
- Publicity Chair, HUMANOIDS 2017
International Workshops co-organisation
- IROS 2023: Workshop on Assistive robotics for citizens
- ICRA 2023: Workshop Toward Robot Avatars
- ERF 2022: Workshop on Telerobotics
- RSS 2022: Workshop on Scaling Robot Learning
- ICRA 2022: Workshop on Shared Autonomy in Physical Human-Robot Interaction: Adaptability and Trust
- ICRA 2022: 4th Workshop on Integrating Multidisciplinary Approaches to Advance Physical Human-Robot Interaction: Challenges of Interfacing Wearable Robots with the Human
- ICRA 2022: Workshop on Scaling Robot Learning
- ICRA 2021: Workshop on Multidisciplinary approaches for physical human-robot interaction
- ICRA 2021 : Workshop on Teleoperation of Dynamic Legged Robots in Real Scenarios
- ROMAN 2020: “Cognitive Robotics for Interaction“
- ICRA 2020: “Shared Autonomy: Learning and Control“
- ICRA 2020: “Integrating Multidisciplinary Approaches to Advance Physical Human-Robot Interaction“
- HUMANOIDS 2019: “Teleoperation of humanoid robots“
- RSS 2019: “Women in robotics V“
- ICRA 2019: “Human movement science for Physical Human-Robot Collaboration“
- IEA 2018: “Collaborative Robotics and Ergonomics“
- HUMANOIDS 2017: “Human-Humanoid collaboration: the next industrial revolution?“
- IROS 2016: “Human-Robot Collaboration: Towards Co-Adaptive Learning Through Semi-Autonomy and Shared Control “
- BMVA 2015: “Visual, tactile and force sensing for robot manipulation “
- ICRA 2015: “Tactile and force sensing for autonomous, compliant and intelligent robots“
- ICRA 2013: “Whole-body Compliant Dynamical Contacts for Humanoid Robotics“
- IROS 2012: “Optimality principles and adaptation in humanoid robotic control“
National events co-organisation
- JNRH 2018: Journées Nationales de la Robotique Humanoïde (JNRH 2018)
- Rob&IA@PFIA 2018: Journée Robotique & IA during PFIA 2018
Editorial service – Journals
- Editor in Chief: Springer International Journal of Social Robotics (03/2021 – 09/2024)
- Guest Editor for Special issues:
- Springer Autonomous Robots 2016:
“Whole-body control of contacts and dynamics for humanoid robots“ - ERCIM news 2018:
“Human-robot interaction“ - IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) 2021:
“Shared Autonomy for Physical Human-Robot Interaction“
- Springer Autonomous Robots 2016:
- Associate editor:
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) (2017-2021)
- Springer Intelligent Service Robotics (2015-2019)
- Reviewer: Nature, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Frontiers in Robotics & AI, …
Editorial service – Conferences
- Program Chair, ARSO 2023
- Program Chair, HUMANOIDS 2019
- Area Chair: CORL 2022
- Senior PC Committee: IJCAI 2021
- Senior Editor: IEEE HUMANOIDS 2023
- Associate Editor: IEEE Humanoids, IEEE ICRA, IEEE IROS, IEEE ICDL
- PC Committee: CORL 2017, HFR 2017, …
- Reviewer: ICRA, IROS, Humanoids, RSS, …
- Award committee member:
- best Conference paper – HFR 2019
- best Cognitive Robotics paper – ICRA 2021
- best Student Conference paper – ICRA 2023
at Inria:
- 2023: member of Program Committee of Scientific Days (Journées Scientifiques Inria – JSI 2023)