ExoSim (2023-2025)


(LUE Appel Multidisciplinarité; 2023-2025)

Following the success of the ExoTurn project, we continue the collaboration between Inria/Loria and CHRU de Nancy on the use of digital tools to help the introduction, experimentation, and implementation of exoskeletons in the hospital. In this project, we will develop a new digital tool development program to 1) help the hospital to identify existing exoskeletons that would be potentially relevant to help hospital staff, and failing that to determine the specifications of a new exoskeleton to be acquired, through a physical simulation software of the virtual human and ergonomic evaluation developed by Inria/Loria; 3) to provide the hospital with digital instruments integrating subjective evaluation (by questionnaires) and objective evaluation (by wearable sensors) to monitor the experimental exoskeleton test campaign over the short/medium/long term, using this data to guide the exoskeleton adoption process.

Our team

Serena Ivaldi, Pr. Nicla Settembre (CHRU Nancy), Pauline Maurice