
I am heading the team HUCEBOT at the Inria Center of the University of Lorraine and Loria.
Below is the list of people that have been working with me.
Check the HUCEBOT website for all the team members.


  • Postdocs
  • PhD students
    • Alexandre Oliveira Souza (CIFRE grant by Safran, with Pauline Maurice, Francois Charpillet, Jordane Grenier, Christophe Guettier), 09/2022-08/2024
      Topic: anticipatory learning for active exoskeletons
    • Dionis Totsila (EUROBIN, with Jean-Baptiste Mouret), 11/2023-10/2026
      Topic: LLMs for advancing robot control and teleoperation
    • Raphael Lorenzo (PEPR O2R, with Bertrand Luvison), 10/2024 – 09/2027
      Topic: multimodal prediction of human intention for human-robot interaction
    • Konstantinos Tsakonas (ATOR, with Jean-Baptiste Mouret), 10/2024-09/2024
      Topic: artificial intelligence for teleoperation
    • Ioannis Tsikelis (INRIA, with Enrico-Mingo Hoffman), 10/2024-09/2024
      Topic: whole-body control of humanoid robots
    • Mathis Antonetti (INRIA, with Jean-Baptiste Mouret), 12/2024-11/2027
      Topic: artificial intelligence for manipulation of soft objects
  • Visiting students
    • ..
  • Engineers
    • Fabio Amadio (PEPR O2R), 09/2024 – …
      Topic: human-robot interaction, robot learning
    • Raphael Lartot (EXOCODESIM), 10/2024-08/2025
      Topic: design of passive exoskeleton
    • Raphael Bousigues (EXOCODESIM), 10/2024-08/2025
      Topic: design of passive exoskeleton
  • Master / Internships

Past (since 11.2014)

  • Postdocs
    • Jonathan Spitz (Lorraine project “LocoLearn”, with Jean-Baptiste Mouret), 1/2017-06/2018
      Topic: learning whole-body behaviors for iCub
      Went to Bosch AI research as engineer then founded a startup Gauss Machine Learning GmbH
    • Pauline Maurice (H2020 ANDY), 06/2017-05/2019
      Topic: ergonomy in human-robot collaboration
      Stayed in our team, now CNRS researcher
    • Mihai Andries (CHIST-ERA HEAP), 05/2019-04/2020
      Topic: generating 3D printable adversarial objects
      Now Associate Professor (MCF) at IMT Atlantique
  • PhD students
  • Visiting students
    • Angela Mazzeo (PhD student in Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Pisa), 09/2022-12/2022
      Topic: learning to scoop with a teleoperated robotic arm
    • Anji Ma (PhD student in Univ. Bejing), 09/2019-08/2021
      Topic: visual prediction of robot’s actions
    • Augusto Francisco (PhD student in Dresden University of Technology, with Jost Halfmann), 06/2018-12/2018
      Topic: ethnography and sociology study around iCub
    • Marie Charbonneau (PhD student in Italian Institute of Technology, with Daniele Pucci), 05/2018-12/2018
      Topic: learning to walk for iCub
    • Ludivine Alliene (PhD student in Université de Picardie Jules Vernes, with Estelle Ferrarese), 03/2017-03/2018
      Topic: social impact of human-robot interaction
    • Jamie Waugh (MITACS-Inria grant, University of Waterloo, Canada, with Dana Kulic), 09/2016-12/2016
      Topic: Online Learning of Gait Models for Fall Prediction
  • Engineers
    • Edoardo Ghini (TELEMOVTOP), 10/2020-03/2022
      Topic: HMI and software for tele-operating a construction robot for manipulation on roofs
      Went to KUDAN (UK) as robotics engineer
    • Raphael Lartot (ASMOA, with Pauline Maurice and Francois Charpillet), 12/2020-07/2022
      Topic: predictive models for control of active exoskeletons
    • Jean Michenaud (ASMOA, with Pauline Maurice and Francois Charpillet), 03/2021-07/2022
      Topic: analysis of human motion with an active exoskeleton
  • Master / Internships
    • Andrea Ferrari (euROBIN, M2 University of Roma La Sapienza, with Quentin Rouxel), 04-09/2024
      Topic: diffusion models for robotics
    • Manon Cordone (euROBIN, L3 in Linguistic, University of Lorraine), 03-05/2024
      Topic: communication for Humanoids 2024
    • Hortencia Alejandra Ramírez Vázque (euROBIN, L3 Instituto Technologico Monterrey, Mexico), 09-12/2023
      Topic: using tags to identify and open a door with Tiago
    • Thais Bernardi (HEAP, M1 Telecom Nancy), 06/2022-08/2022
      Topic: characterization of GelSight sensor and use to minimize slip during grasp of unknown objects
    • Evelyn D’Elia (H2020 ANDY, TU Delft, with Jens Kober and Jean-Baptiste Mouret), 01-07/2021
      Topic: learning controllers for humanoid robots
      Went to IIT as robotics engineer
    • Felix Cuny-Enault (EXOTURN, Univ. Paris Saclay, with Pauline Maurice), 02-08/2021
      Topic: exoskeletons to assist medical staff in hospital
    • Leonie Planculaine (CHIST-ERA HEAP, INSA Rennes), 06-08/2021
      Topic: grasping objects according to human preferences
    • Andrea Macrí (H2020 ANDY, Univ. La Sapienza Univ. Rome), 09-12/2019
      Topic: learning robust whole-body controllers for walking
    • Clelie Amiot (H2020 ANDY, Master MSCA Univ. Lorraine), 03-08/2019
      Topic: wearable devices for feedback about ergonomics postures
      Went to LORIA as a PhD student
    • Lorenzo Vianello (CHIST-ERA HEAP, Univ. La Sapienza Univ. Rome), 03-09/2019
      Topic: learning human preferences over Dexnet for grasping
      Stayed in the team as PhD student in C-SHIFT
    • Niyati Rawal (ANR Flying-CoWorker, with F. Colas, F. Charpillet, V. Thomas), 05-09/2019
      Topic: activity recognition and duration prediction during HRI
      Went to TU Darmstadt as a PhD student
    • Guillaume Courrier (ANR Flying-CoWorker, with A. Guenard), 07-08/2019
      Topic: acceptable approaching trajectories of a drone towards a worker
    • Vishnu Radhakrishnan (H2020 ANDY, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA), 09/2018-12/2018
      Topic: learning for ergonomic human-robot collaboration
      Went to Dorabot as Engineer
    • Luigi Penco (H2020 ANDY, La Sapienza University of Rome), 10/2017-03/2018
      Topic: human-humanoid imitation with whole-body controllers
      Stayed in our team as Engineer in ANDY
    • Kazu Otani (H2020 ANDY, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, with Karim Bouyarmane), 05/2017-11/2017
      Topic: human-humanoid imitation with whole-body controllers
      Went to Shield AI as autonomy engineer
    • Waldez Azevedo Gomes Jr (H2020 ANDY, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), 05/2017-11/2017
      Topic: adaptive role allocation in human-humanoid collaboration
      Stayed in our team as PhD student in ANDY
    • Maxime Chaveroche (H2020 ANDY, Master IPAC & Telecom Nancy, France, with Francis Colas), 03/2017-09/2017
      Topic: classification of human activity from wearable sensing
      Went to UTC for a PhD thesis
    • Ugo Chervet (FP7 CODYCO, IFMA Clermont-Ferrand, France), 03/2016-09/2016
      Topic: learning multi-task priorities for iCub
      Went to ALTEN as Engineer
    • Anthony Voilqué (FP7 CODYCO, IFMA Clermont-Ferrand, France), 03/2016-09/2016
      Topic: physical human-robot interaction for cooperative assembly with iCub
      Went to PSA for an industrial PhD (CIFRE)
    • Adrien Malaisé (Inria grant, Master MSCA Université de Lorraine & UPMC, France), 02/2016-08/2016
      Topic: acceptance and user study of a robotic arm programmed by non-experts
      Stayed in our team as PhD student in ANDY
    • Sebastian Marichal (Inria international grant, University Pompeu Fabra, Spain), 09/2015-02/2016
      Topic: intuitive interfaces for programming robotic arms by non-experts
      Went to University Pompeu Fabra for a PhD thesis