
  • On the Hardness of Analyzing Quantum Programs Quantitatively, ESOP 2024, 10th of April 2024, Luxembourg (Slides).
  • A characterization of the class of Basic Feasible Functionals, Complexity Days, GDR IM, 13rd of December 2023, Paris (Slides).
  • A general noninterference policy for polynomial time, POPL 2023, 19th of January 2023, Boston, USA (Slides, Video).
  • A general noninterference policy for polynomial time, SCOT seminar (online), 13th of January 2023 (Slides).
  • ICC@ICC: a taste of 2nd-order polytime complexity, LoReL’s seminar, 28th of November 2022, Conicet, ICC, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Slides).
  • Complete and tractable machine-independent characterizations of second-order polytime, FoSSaCS 2022 (EATCS Best Paper Award), München, 6th of April 2022 (Slides).
  • Implicit Complexity: to infinity… and beyond!, Séminaire PPS-online, 4th of February 2021, Paris (Slides).
  • Online HDR defense, LORIA, Nancy, 19th of October 2020 (Slides, Manuscript)
  • Polynomial time over the reals with parsimony, FLOPS 2020, 15th of September 2020, Akita, Japan (Slides, Video).
  • A tier-based typed programming language characterizing Feasible Functionals, LICS 2020, 9th of July 2020, Sarrebrücken, Germany (Slides, Video).
  • A tier-based typed programming language characterizing feasible functionals, Shonan meeting 151, 7th of October 2019, Shonan, Japan (Slides).
  • Tiered complexity at higher order, DICE-FOPARA 2019, 6th of April 2019, Prague, Czech Republic (Slides).
  • Tiered complexity at higher order, MLA 2019, 14th of March 2019, Nancy, France (Slides).
  • Higher-order interpretations for higher-order complexity, LPAR 2017, 11th of May 2017, Maun, Botswana (Slides).
  • Higher-order interpretations for higher-order complexity, DICE-FOPARA 2017, 22nd of April 2017, Uppsala, Sweden (Slides).
  • Algebra and Coalgebra in the Light Affine Lambda Calculus, ANR Elica, 7th of October 2016, Bologna, Italy (Slides).
  • Algebra and Coalgebra in the Light Affine Lambda Calculus, Mathematics for Decision and Discovery (M4D2), Malotec seminar, 11th of May 2016, Loria, France (Slides).
  • Type systems for ICC analysis of imperative programs, DICE & FOPARA 2015, Queen Mary University, London, UK (Slides).
  • Type systems for ICC analysis of imperative programs, Inria Evaluation Seminar, 20th of March 2015, Mercure, Orly-Rungis, France (Slides).
  • Implicit computational complexity in Object Oriented Programs, ANR Elica, 6th of February 2015, Université Paris XIII, Villetaneuse, France (Slides).
  • Tiering and non-interference for complexity analysis of imperative and OO programs, Mathematical Structures of Computation workshop et séminaire Chocola, 12th of february 2014, ENS Lyon, France (Slides).
  • A Categorical Treatment of Malicious Behavioral Obfuscation, TAMC 2014, 13rd of April 2014, Chennai, India (Slides).
  • Complexity Information Flow in a Multi-threaded Imperative Language, TAMC 2014, 12th of April 2014, Chennai, India (Slides).
  • A type system for analyzing the complexity of Object Oriented programs, research Seminar, 6th of march 2014, University of Dundee, Scotland (Slides).
  • A type system for complexity flow analysis of imperative programs, Carte seminar, 16th of december 2013, Loria, Nancy, France (Slides).
  • Bounding Reactions in the π-calculus using Interpretations, FOPARA& WST workshops, 29 of august 2013, Bertinoro, Italy (Slides).
  • Associate team Cristal, Final presentation, 15th of november 2012, Loria, Nancy, France (Slides).
  • A Characterization of Polynomial Space with Forks, ACI COMPLICE, 31st of may 2012, ENS Lyon, France (Slides).
  • A type system for complexity flow analysis of imperative programs, PLClub, 24th of february 2012, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, US (Slides).
  • Interpretation of stream programs, Workshop on Computer Science (invited talk), 24th of october 2010, Alexandria, Egypt.
  • Interpretation of stream programs, 26th of may 2010, ACI COMPLICE, Villetaneuse, Paris (Slides).
  • Upper Bounds on Stream I/O Using Semantic Interpretations, Computer Science Logic (CSL 2009), 10th of september 2009, Coimbra, Portugal (Slides).
  • Program complexity analysis by semantics interpretation, Foundations@Lero, 17th of october 2008, Dublin, Ireland (Slides).
  • Characterizations of polynomial complexity classes with a better intensionality, Conference on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP), 16th of July 2008, Valencia, Spain (Slides).
  • Program complexity analysis by interpretation, Invited talk to LIFO seminar, LIFO, 30th of june 2008, Orléans, France.
  • A Characterization of NCk, Theory and Applications of Models of Computation (TAMC 2008), 29th of april 2008, Xi’an, China (Slides).
  • Complexity analysis of object-oriented programs, Workshop on Implicit Computational Complexity, 12th of february 2008, LIPN, Villetaneuse, France.
  • Program complexity analysis by interpretation, Invited talk to LANDE seminar, IRISA, 7th of february 2008, Rennes, France.
  • Analyse de la complexité des programmes par interprétation sémantique, Thesis defense, INPL-LORIA, 14th of november 2007, Nancy, France.
  • Quasi-interpretation Synthesis by Decomposition, International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC 2007), 27th of september 2007, Macau, China (Slides).
  • Resource control of object-oriented programs, LCC 2007 (LICS affiliated workshop), 15th of july 2007, Wroclaw, Poland.
  • Sup-interpretations and small parallel complexity classes, EJCIM 2007, Ecole de Jeunes Chercheurs en Informatique Mathématiques, 19th of march 2007, Nancy, France.
  • A Characterization of Alternating Log Time by First Order Functional Programs, Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning (LPAR), 13th of november 2006, Phnom Penh, Cambodia (Slides).
  • The sup-interpretation method, ACI CRISS, 14th of september 2006, Paris, France.
  • Quasi-friendly sup-interpretations, LCC 2006 (LICS affiliated workshop), 10th of august 2006, Seattle, US.
  • Resource analysis by sup-interpretations, Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming (FLOPS), 22nd of april 2006, Fujisusono, Japan.
  • On the modularity of Quasi-interpretations, ACI CRISS, 27th of february 2006, Marseille, France.
  • Sup-interpretations, Follia Project (Invited talk), Workshop on Implicit Computational Complexity, 18th of january 2006, Torino, Italy.
  • Synthesis of Quasi-interpretations, ACI CRISS, 13th of june 2005, Paris, France.
  • Synthesis of Quasi-Interpretations, LCC 2005 (LICS affiliated workshop), 24th of june 2005, Chicago, US.
  • Sup-interpretations, a way to control resource, Journées des arithmétiques Faibles, JAF24, 20th of june 2005, Fontainebleau, France.
  • Sup-interpretations, ACI CRISS, 17th of january 2005, Sophia-Antipolis, France.
  • Synthèse et vérification de Quasi-interprétation, mémoire de DEA, Ecole doctorale IAEM, 23rd of june 2004, Nancy, France.